Husband and wife share a very strong bond of love and care, with lots of responsibility. They both have an equal share in the house. If the husband goes outside and earns income on the other hand, the wife stays in the house and takes care of the children and home. By this means they stay strong together. But sometimes the situation changes when we need dua for husband and wife love.
The relationship of husband and wife has always been a rollercoaster ride, which means ups and downs in the relationship sometimes, they happy together or other times fight with each other or argue over some misunderstanding. At the same time stay together to fight the problems.
But sometimes things get a lot more difficult in the husband-wife relationship because of various reasons like interference of the third person, some misunderstanding or it can be some evil eye (black magic). But you must be happy to know that we got you in this difficult time and are here to help you with this article to solve your problem. Let’s get Dua for love of husband and wife.
Dua for Husband and Wife Love from Quran will Help You
Allah is the one Almighty power whom we belong to and we are his creation. The problems that we face in our life like the decrease in love of husband and wife or facing some problems in the relationship. Allah understands all the troubles and Undoubtedly he is testing us with all these problems and difficulties.
If Allah Taala gives us problems in our life then he also gives us solutions in the Quran Pak and Sunnah. So that we can deal with our problems and become much stronger to join Allah and stay under his wisdom.
If you read the Quran pak daily you will surely get the solution to every problem whether it’s a dua for love of husband and wife or your financial problems. For more clarity in duas or understanding them you can follow us and take our help with your problems, we will be happy to help you with Allah’s grace.
Dua for Love Husband and Wife
Here we are with the best Dua for love between husband and wife which will not only help you in getting you closer or increasing love between you. But it is also very effective in solving problems and misunderstandings between you and your spouse. This dua will also help protect your bond of love from all kinds of negative energy that is breaking your loving relationship
والله خلقكم من تراب كُم مِن الفَةٍ ثُمَّ جَعَلَكُمْ أَزْوَاجًا
Transliteration: Wallaahu khalagakum min turcabin summo min mutfatin summaja’alokum aewoojaa
Translation: By Allah, who has created you from the desert and made us husbands and wives. Bless us with lots of love and forgive our sins.
Steps to Perform for this Dua
There are a few easy steps that you have to follow to perform the given dua to Allah and pray to him for good.
- The first step is to perform wudu which means cleaning yourself.
- Then, read Durood Sharif 11 times.
- After that by remembering Allah read Surah al-Ikhlas once.
- Recite “Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a’oothu bika minal-hammi walhazani” 434 times.
- And in the last step, pray to Allah (SWT) to fill your husband’s heart with full love and also bless you with the same.
Important Things to Remember
Environment or Surroundings: It is important to find a peaceful place where you can sit and recite this dua with proper concentration. Your surrounding area should be clean and pure according to the Quran. You must be facing towards the direction of the Qibla for better results.
Physical purity and mental purity: By physical purity, we mean your body. Take a bath before this dua or any spiritual activity. Women must not perform this dua during the menstruation period. Now mental purity means no negative or bad thoughts during this process. Be positive and clear your thoughts
Faith In Allah: Faith plays a very important role if you have faith in something it will be done but if you don’t have faith in it it will not happen. So put your faith in Allah Taala he will help you in getting the love back in your relationship.
Last Few Words
In the end, we want you to concentrate on the Dua for husband and wife love. Do not get distracted and caught in the trap of some halal activities which are prohibited in Islam. Along with Allah have faith in us.
The motive of is to help other people and get Allah’s blessing by helping his children. Maulana Abdul Aziz has studied the Quran and also spent various years worshipping Allah. He can help you with every problem or take you out of every difficulty or trouble. So feel free to contact us and get our help.
Frequently Asked Question
Q.1 Which surah is best for the Husband and Wife Love?
Ans. If you are searching for the best surah for husband-wife love then here it is: “Wallaahu khalaqakum min turaabin summa min nutfatin summa ja’alakum azwaajaa” 324 times for 21 days. This Surah is taken from Surah Al Fatir ayat no. 11.
Q.2 How to increase love between husband and wife in Islam?
Ans. To increase your love you can do the following thing for your partner.
- You must smile nice to your partner. Use his/her favorite odor to impress.
- Cook special food for your partner and arrange some special time to spend with your partner.
- Give a special name to your spouse.
- Help you partner in daily life activities.
- Support each other and also understand the problems together and deal with them.