Dua To Get A Job Very Soon

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ to all my dear muslim brother and sister. Our life is full of troubles where we face many difficulties but one of the biggest problems is getting a job with a good return. Finding a job is a very important part of life as we need to earn some money to survive life in this world. In this problem, Dua To Get A Job will help you.

The time in our life when we are seeking a job to earn a livelihood and also looking for dua to get a good job helps us get a good job environment with a higher salary. As a Muslim searching for or finding a job is not only a wordy or physical effort but it also needs a spiritual connection with Allah.

This blog will help you understand how you can balance your spiritual life with your job. Also, you will know the importance of dua to get a job when you are searching for it. You will get the best dua and understand how you can perform this dua in the best way for efficient results.

Balancing Work and Spiritual Life

Living in this world comes with various problems and things that we can not able to understand or deal with. But we forget that Allah is always by our side and helps us when the right time comes. In this fast-living world sometimes we fail to remember Allah but we need jobs to earn and buy food. For a job, we need dua to get a job and remember Allah which helps in building a better connection with him.

We must have to pray to Allah every day and be thankful for the things we have that he has given to us. By showing our gratitude and asking for forgiveness for our sins we connect with Allah. Through sincere prayers and duas, we bring Allah closer to us and feel safe in this evil world.

Balancing our work life and spiritual life can be difficult but it isn’t impossible to do this, if you have a true love for Allah you will make the balance. Almighty god has the true power which can help us and remove all the problems including death and birth in this world. So give some time to him by praying regularly and raising hands in his praise.

Powerful Dua to Get a Job 

رَبَّنَاءَاتِنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ رَحْمَةً وَهَيْئَ لَنَا مِنْ أَمْرِنَا رَشَدًا

Transliteration – “Rabbana atina min ladunka rahmah wahayyi lana min amrina rashada.”


Translation – “Our Lord, grant us from Yourself mercy and prepare for us from our affair right guidance.”

As if you are searching for the dua to get a job, your search ends here. This is the best dua that will provide you with guidance from Allah as well as our support and help.

Steps to Perform Dua to Get a Job

By performing the following steps Allah will listen to you dua to get a job very soon and bless you with a good salary job. 

  1. To start your prayer you must perform ablution (wudu).
  2. Find a clean place to sit and pray for Allah’s blessing.
  3. Say “SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi, SubhanAllahil ‘Adheem, Astaghfirullah” and recite Darood Sharif.
  4. Recite the dua “Rabbana atina min ladunka rahmah wahayyi lana min amrina rashada” 324 times.
  5. Finally, in the end, close your eyes to Allah and pray to Allah SWT in your words for asking for a job as soon as possible.

You must have to follow this process for 16 days with consistency. Inshallah, you will surely get the good news of getting a job very soon.

Tips for Job Success

Be Punctual and Disciplines: as an employee or if you are seeking for job you must be dedicated fro finding the best job for yourself. You must visit places and ask for job vacancies or prepare best for interviews. You must be actively searching for a job or looking for someplace to work.

Be Honest and loyal:  If you are a honest person, this will also makes you a good person and there will be better chances of getting a job selection. A loyal and honest employee is better is anything else.

Be Responsible: you should be a responsible person which can manage things and have responsibility of completing the work. If you show this quality to any person he/she will surely hire you on the job you are looking for.


In this following article we have talk about the dua to get a job but this dua will also be helpful in getting high paid job, getting good job or get a job to earn. We hope this efficient dua will help you and drastically change your life. You should pray with you heart and have pure intentions.

If you are doing your full efforts and still you getting trouble than you can contact islamicloveduas. Our great scholar Abdul Aziz will help you in getting your favourable results and also help you solve any problem in your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 How do I pray to Allah to get a job?

Ans. Stand up and recite YAA WAHHABU 1000 times. Make a Dua with pure heart and intention. And ask Allah (SWT) almighty for a good job. Recite durood e Shareef again 11 times in the end.

Q.2 Which surah to recite to get a job?

Ans. If you want to pray to Allah to get a good job you can recite Surah Alam Nashrah (multiple times), Surah Yaseen, Surah Dhariyah, Surah Waqiyah. This will give you very good results and will help you.

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