Dua Passing Exams – Get Success In Exams

Assalamalaikum to all my dear brothers and sisters, children of Allah. Every one of us prepares for exams in our lifetime and we all want to pass the exam. The stress at the time of the exam and our anxiety were on the next level because it was a situation of do or die. This is the time when we need Allah’s help with the Dua passing exams. This dua gives us some support and confidence to get passing marks in the exam.

The fear of not getting passing marks in either of our very good preparation and giving of exams we still have fear of facing failure in exams. This is the time when we raise our hands in remembrance of Allah and look for some miracle or hope of getting good marks with the help of dua for passing an exam. No one wants to fail an exam so this dua will help you pass the exam.

This blog will help you understand the importance of Dua for passing exams and also you will get the best dua for it. There will be some steps and duas that you must follow while performing this dua and praying to Allah.

Rules For Dua Passing Exams

If you want Allah will listen to your dua very soon then you must follow these rules and guidelines before the dua passes exams. This will increase the efficiency of your dua and make your dua much more valuable.

Rules that you must follow

  • Cleanliness is a must: Before starting any prayer or dua you must clean yourself. You can take a bath and wear clean clothes. You also have to find or clean the place to sit in Allah’s praise. Your thoughts should be clean, and good and have positive thoughts.
  • Pure Intentions: make sure while sitting for the supplication your intentions must be pure with true heart. Have faith in Allah (SWT) and do each practice with devotion. 
  • Say these: sit to pray by facing the direction of Qibla. Before starting the prayer you should recite the name of Allah 5 times and also must recite Darood Sharif to get the blessings from Allah.
  • Do not indulge in Haram: You should not indulge in any haram activity or do not commit any sins against Islamic teachings. If do something wrong Allah Taala will not accept you Dua passing exams.
  • Menstruation days: If you are a woman who is going to perform exams, you should not perform this dua in times of mensuration. It is prohibited in Islam and seen as a sin.

Follow these rules and put your hopes and faith in Allah taala. Always remember that Allah has the supreme power and everything rests in his hands.

Steps to Perform for Dua Pass Exams

Let’s suppose any student is worried about his/her passing the exams and getting the Dua passing Exams which can help them get good grades. If you want that dua to release your exam stress all the problems related to your exams will go away. For that perform these steps with dedication and pure heart.

  1. Before Fajar Salah, do proper wudu.
  2. Then say Takibir, “Allah hu Akbar,” 99 times.
  3. Read Surah Al Ftiha twice.
  4. After that, recite “Rabbi yassir wala tu’assir.” 343 times.
  5. Finally, pray to Allah (SWT) for your exams.

You have to follow this ritual regularly for 15 days with full faith in Allah (SWT). InshaAllah, you will find all the problems related to your exam will be solved.

Dua for Pass the Exam

رَبِّي يَسْرُ وَلَا تُعَشِرُ وَتَيْمْ بِالْخَيْرِ وَبِكَ



Rabbi yassir wa la tu’assir wa tamim bil khair wa bika nastaeen


“My Lord, make it easy and do not make it difficult, and complete it with good, and with Your help, we seek assistance.”

This is the most powerful dua passing exams will get you the best results which you are praying for to Allah.

Practical Solutions along with Dua to Pass Exam

You should not rely on Allah. No doubt that Allah will help you get well grated but for that, you must put your efforts into that exam. Allah will only give you the best result when you give your best and put your whole efforts into the thing that you are doing. You must be dedicated to your studies and prepared for the exams. 

This dua passing exams will give you a guaranteed result only when you struggle and fight and still are not able to stand then he will give you support. Allah never gives anything to anyone the one who deserves that thing will get Allah’s blessing and grace.

So for all the students you must study hard, be disciplined in your work, and learn things with your strategies. Still, if your efforts lack after doing or giving your 100% then it is on Allah he will give you the better results that you deserve. If you want something in your life fight for it and give your best and after all this leave everything to Allah.

He is the Almighty who is always there by our side but we can’t see him. So do not do anything that is not good in his eyes. This dua will protect you and build your strong connection with Allah as well.


In the end, you will be the person who does everything, Allah is always there to help us and make us strong day by day. Failure is also an important part of life lessons but if you give your best then there will be nothing that can stop you from anything.

Sometimes there can be negative energy that never lets you win. In these cases or in need of any help you can contact us. Islamicloveduas will always help you and those who have been facing exam difficulties are now living a happy and successful life with the help of Maulana Abdul Aziz.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 Which dua is powerful in passing exams?

Ans. the best dua to help in increasing our knowledge and help is passing exam “Allhumma Akhrijni min zulumatil wahmi ,wa akrimni be nuril fahmi . Oh Allah, please bring me out of the darkness of doubt and bless me with the light of understanding. Oh Allah!

Q.2 Can I pray to god to pass an exam?

Ans. Yes, you can pray to Allah to pass the exam that you want to clear. You must recite the dua regularly and with the help of supplication you will get success in your exam as well as the career that you will choose.

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