Dua for Removing Nazar

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ to all the children of Allah. All the brothers and sisters who are here to seek Allah’s help and guidance with dua for removing Nazar. As we all know and understand not all people in this world are happy with our success or our happiness. This is one of the reasons for getting affected with an evil eye which is also called Nazar (Buri Nazar).

Do you remember the old times when our elders used to say that when you are getting successful or anything good happens in the family or at any place do not tell everyone? They were right at that time but we don’t understand their care for us and protection. But when we get older and we experience the negative thing or evil eye on us we feel that they are right about their sayings. Now we understand the things that we think are silly in our childhood.

So we can get help to get protection from the evil eye we can understand and practice dua for removing nazar from our loved ones or ourselves. We have helped various people and we hope that you will also be blessed by Allah and dua for removing Nazar will also help you.

Power of Dua for Removing Nazar

Dua is the most powerful thing in this materialistic world. This is because dua is the only thing that connects us or makes us part of the supreme power. When we do not find any solution, cure, or answer, Dua is the one that can be the answer to every question and also the cure for everything.

We need dua to build a strong connection with Allah or become a part of his soul. In this world where no one sees another person happy, most people are jealous of each other or even hate another person. This can be the main reason for Nazar in your life.  But Allah is the one who is always there to help us and protect us.

If he can create then he has the power to destroy. All evil powers cannot surpass Allah’s power because he is the one who has supreme power to save and protect you. When you pray to Allah with dua for removing nazar it means you are remembering him this will bring him to help you and bring a strong connection as well. Just pray to Allah and ask for forgiveness of all your sins and appreciate all the good deeds.

Dua for Nazar

If you have faith in Allah or you know that he is always protecting you then you can trust us and follow the path. We are here to give you to right dua which is taken from the Quran to help you in protection from the nazar. We will help you to understand this dua and make supplication to Allah

Dua for Removing Nazar

“A’udhu bi kalimatillahi at-tammati min kulli shaytanin wa hammah wa min kulli ‘aynin lammah.”

Translation: “I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from every devil, harmful creature, and evil eye.”

This dua will give you 100% results if you follow all the rules and recite this dua under Islamic guidelines and its culture. Be careful while performing this dua.

Steps to perform Dua to Remove Nazar

  • Start your dua by cleaning yourself and performing ablution which means cleaning your auro to perform spiritual practice.
  • You can seek our help if you want to understand this dua more deeply. If you know you can practice this dua by yourself.
  • Now sit in a clean and positive place where you can perform this dua or any other prayer to remove nazar. This dua is the most powerful dua for removing Nazar from any person you want.
  • Do practice this process regularly to seek Allah’s guidance and refuge from the evil eye by reciting the given dua regularly.
  • To seek guidance you can contact Maulana Abdul Aziz who is the best-known scholar of Islam and has been working for many years to help people in their difficult times and bless them with Allah’s grace.

Prayer for Removing Nazar in Islam

You can also remember and recite this prayer for Nazar’s protection in Islam to remove and get protected from the evil eye: “Bismillahi arqeeka, min kulli shay’in yu’dheeka, min sharri kulli nafsin aw ‘aynin hasidin. Allahumma rabbi an-nas, adhhib il-ba’s, washfi antash-shafi, la shifa’a illa shifa’uka, shifa’an la yughadiru saqaman.”

Translation: “In the name of Allah, I perform ruqyah for you, from everything that is harming you, from the evil of every soul or envious eye. O Allah, Lord of the people, remove the harm, and heal him (or her), for You are the healer, and there is no healing except Your healing, with  healing that does not leave any disease behind.”

You must recite this prayer 434 times after completing every salah for 21 days and blow on the affected person or yourself who is affected by Nazar.

This is a very powerful supplication that helps us and protects us from the harmful effect of an evil eye on any person.


You should not be fear of the evil eye or nazar on you. If you have faith in Allah and trust his doings you are one of his children. You must believe in him and leave everything to him but make sure that you practice dua and seek his refuge.

For any dua or any supplication, you can visit islamicloveduas.com where you will find every dua and prayer for you and your loved ones. In case of any help, you can feel free to call us and get help with your problems.

Frequently Asked Question

Q.1 How can I save myself from Nazar?

Ans. You must build a connection with Allah by meditating or indulging in some spiritual practice daily so that no bad energy can affect you.

Q,2 What should we do for protection from the evil eye?

Ans. You can protect yourself and others with various duas, supplications, and prayers that are for protection. Sincere practice of these will help in protecting you and also in remembering Allah every day.

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