Wazifa for Love Marriage Quick Results

You are also one of those who are facing problems in getting married to the person you love. Your love marriage is difficult? Finding the best wazifa for love marriage? Your parents do not agree that you should marry the person you love. To remove all the problems related to your love marriage you should have to do only one thing: plea to Allah with the Wazifa for Love Marriage. Allah will wipe all your tears and bless you with the person you want to marry.

Marrying the love of your life is the best feeling for every person in your life. But sometimes it is not that easy as it faces a lot of problems, difficulties as well as harmful activities to stop the love marriage and make people apart from each other. There can be a lot more reasons behind the suppression in your love marriage but we can help you.

You must have to trust us and follow the steps with care. For any help or information, you can contact islamicloveduas.com where the great Maulana Abdul Aziz will provide you with the best and easiest solution for your problem.

Love Marriage Wazifa

This is a very powerful wazifa that will help you to marry the person you want in your life or whom you love the most. It is important that in this dua both people in a love marriage equally love each other and equally want to marry.

Wazifa For Love Marriage

You have to rein cite this ayat “Ya satarul ayubi ya musabib asbab iyaka nabudu waiyaka nastaeen ya haiyyu ya qayyumu birehmatika astaghaisu” for 313 times along with Darood E Ibraheemi 3 times in the start and end of the wazifa. For your ease the ayat is mentioned below.

Powerful Wazifa for Love Marriage to Agree Parents

فَسَقَى لَهُمَا ثُمَّ تَوَلَّى إلى القبل فَقَالَ رَبِّ إِنِّي لِمَا أَنزَكَ إِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَقِيرٌ

Transliteration: “Fasaqaa lahumaa summa tawallaaa ilazzil faqaala Rabbi Innee limaaa analta lalya min khairin faqeer (Quran 28:24)

Meaning: So he watered (their flocks) for them: then he turned back to the shade and said “O my Lord! Truly am I in (desperate) need of any good that You might send down to me.”

How to Recite Wazifa for Love Marriage

There are various ways for performing different wazifa, the process of reciting the wazifa for love marriage is equally important along with the wazifa itself. The way of reciting dua or the process shows your faith in Allah and also the purity of your heart regarding the wazifa.

  • The best time to recite this wazifa or to practice this is right after the Fajr prayer in Islamic religion
  • Start your wazifa after taking a shower and putting on clean clothes on your body.
  • Now, focus and concentrate on the person image to whom you want to get married.
  • Look for a clear spot, a peaceful place to sit and recite duha (Verse 12) and surah Qasa.
  • Start the process of dua by reciting “Auzu Billaahi Minash Shaitaanir” 100 times.
  • Continue this with “Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem” another 100 times.
  • Repeat “Assalaatu Wassalaamu Akayka Ya” 100 times for a quick marriage.
  • At last, raise your hands in Allah’s praise and trust, pray to him for his guidance, and bless with a loving marriage.

Benefits of Love Marriage Wazifa

Love marriage wazifa helps in getting married to your loved one but also removes all the obstacles that are creating problems in your love marriage. The wazifa for love marriage also helps in making your parents agree to your marriage. Sometimes due to inter-caste marriage parents did not agree for this relationship to be made.

If there is any type of black magic or negative energy around you that is affecting you and taking you far away from your. This can happen when some people whom we know or whom we don’t know are jealous of our marriage. They are jealous of your happiness or maybe they have had some kind of disputes with you in the past.

All the problems will be solved and you will get married to your loved one very soon. Sometimes it may take time due to strong energy or your less effort you can call for our help. We will always help you.

Last Few Words

We all know that love is the purest and strongest emotion in everyone’s life. Some find their love and get married to them but some people face a lot of difficulty. Sometimes it is much more difficult but it will get in what it is destined for.

The last few tips are to perform wazifa for love marriage with full faith and be persistent maybe it will take some time but the result will be eventually great. Have faith in Allah and believe in him for the best.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 What is the dua for marrying your love?

Ans. Recite “Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim” 11 times. Blow on the person’s photo by reciting: “O Allah, I desire to marry (name of the person you love), so make this marriage easy for me and bless it with goodness.” 1000 times

Q.2 Which surah is best for marriage?

Ans. If you want to get married soon you must recite Surah Yasin daily. It will help you in early marriage. After reciting this dua raise your hand in Allah’s praise and be thankful to him.

Q.3 How to ask Allah to marry the person you love?

And For marrying the love of your life recite darrood sarif 11 times and then “nasruminallah wa fathun qareeb” 786 times. After that, read Surah Yasin and Surah al-Baqarah seven times. For quick and better results believe in his power and trust him.

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